We craft narratives that combine specialist knowledge with powerful human stories.
Get in contactStories with substance
To build a lasting connection with your audience, strengthen perceptions of your brand, and stay front of mind as an industry leader, you need distinctive insight.
We apply our FT-quality editorial to every story you want to tell. We’re not afraid to challenge the status quo, but always with an outside-in perspective.
And we work with you to find the ideas you can speak to authentically and with authority. Because knowledge is power.
Frequently asked questions
Does working with you make it less likely that other publications will cover my thought leadership campaign?
In our experience, journalists at other titles will prioritise the quality of the story, not the title of the publication that produced it. We have many examples of campaigns that secured very wide coverage across competing publications. Our role is to ensure that your messages are as newsworthy as possible and we have many ex-journalists on our team who know exactly what works to secure interest from the world’s most discerning newsrooms.
Does working with you on the writing mean my campaign will get coverage in the Financial Times?
Unfortunately, no. Our work on your campaign doesn’t guarantee coverage in the newspaper. Our collaboration focuses on producing high-quality, insightful content and is independent from the Financial Times’ newsroom. We maintain strict editorial standards to ensure impartiality and credibility. While our work can enhance your brand’s visibility and influence, any feature in the FT will be determined by FT’s editorial team based on the content’s merit and relevance.
Why can’t I just use ChatGPT to write my thought leadership for me?
When budgets are tight and resources are scarce, ChatGPT can help simplify and speed up content production. But while Gen AI has its benefits, it also has its limitations. When it comes to thought leadership, where quality and originality are the hallmarks of true insight, how can Gen AI produce real thought leadership when it creates content using existing data? Gen AI platforms put your content at risk of being out of date, biassed, or just plain wrong. They lack the depth, nuance and expertise that our team provides.
Do you only write long-form reports?
No, we produce a variety of editorial and creative content assets tailored to your campaign and objectives, including short-form, long-form and digital-first. We also produce video, audio, data visualisations, animations and more. Our campaign planning phase will give you relevant advice on the right formats for content to engage your target audience effectively.
Will I get a Financial Times editor working on my thought leadership?
No, our editors are specialists in writing thought leadership. They are not part of the Financial Times news desk or features teams, but they sign up to the FT editorial code of conduct and are deep experts not only in thought leadership but also key themes, such as technology, capital markets, leadership or sustainability.